Q & A
Who is the pastor of City Church AC?
Jesus is the lead shepherd here at City Church AC. However, He leads through His people. Pastor Dallas Billington, has been called and is equipped to fulfill the undershepherd position of leadership at City Church.
Does City Church AC offer anything for children?
At the inception of most church plants a priority is to ensure we have childcare available for children ages 5 and below. We also provide lessons to school-age children Grades 1st - 6th, as well as a class for those in Middle School and High School, grades 7-12. As the church develops and we better understand what the children’s ministry needs are, we will add classes. We fully understand how important it is for children to be provided opportunities to learn about the Love of God and Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior with other children. Overall, through our curriculum, we focus on three primary points:
WISDOM - I need to make the wise choice.
FAITH - I can trust God no matter what.
FRIENDSHIP - I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
What is the City Church AC setup?
Using descriptive words, City Church AC is a modern, contemporary, Spirit-filled and Spirit-led church. During the Service, God will be praised through song, Pastor Dallas will preach from God’s Word, an Altar Call will be presented, and an Offering will be taken.
Our service is held every Sunday and begins at 11:00am. We are located at 737 George Washington Blvd, Akron, Ohio 44312.
What are the Beliefs of City Church AC?
We believe The Bible is inspired Word of God;
Jesus Christ is the Son of God;
Jesus came into this world, born of a virgin;
Jesus lived a perfect sinless life;
Jesus died on the cross for all our sins;
Jesus rose from the grave on the 3rd day after His death;
Through the shed blood of Jesus, we can have eternal life by accepting Him as our Savior and Lord;
We believe the Biblical Baptism of immersion is an act of obedience to God’s Word; it is an outward expression of your new found faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Biblical definition of Marriage.
Genesis 2:21-24: 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. 23 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
We are a Pro-Life Church, believing life begins at Conception.
Psalm 139:13: For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
Who is our target audience of City Church AC?
Our target audience is the people of the City we live in. We all have a gift from the Lord, Salvation!! And it is our responsibility to share our story (and the Gospel) with those we interact with each and every day.
We want to bring the people of Akron and Canton together each week to worship our Lord, Jesus Christ, and have fellowship with one another, as we are re-energized to go back into our own personal mission field.
How to Connect with City Church AC?
There are many ways to connect with City Church AC:
You can find us on the web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We have an app for both iPhone and Android platforms.
Website: www.citychurchac.com
Facebook: City Church AC
Twitter: @CityChurchAC
Instagram: @citychurchac
You can email us at citychurchac@gmail.com
Video Streaming through the City Church YouTube and Facebook Accounts:
What about Church Membership?
City Church AC does not stress church membership. If you have asked Jesus Christ into your heart as your Savior and your Lord, then we believe you are a part of the Church and body of believers. In addition, we believe in being baptized Biblically through immersion, as an outward expression of your new found faith in Jesus Christ.
How will City Church AC communicate with me?
Our goal is to provide relevant and timely communication. We will not inundate you with trivial information. All information will be added to our website and the Church App, for your convenience, as well as through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Facebook: City Church AC
Twitter: @CityChurchAC
Instagram: citychurchac
How can I give to City Church AC?
We take a weekly offering in person at our services. However, if you would like to give another way, please visit our Giving Tab here on the web. We have several ways you can give: online, texting or through our church app. Thank you for your donation!